In 1977, Rob Janoff, a graphic designer, created the iconic rainbow-striped Apple logo. The rainbow colors symbolized the diversity and creativity of Apple's products.
The Evolution of a Tech Icon
In 1977, Rob Janoff, a graphic designer, created the iconic rainbow-striped Apple logo. The rainbow colors symbolized the diversity and creativity of Apple's products.
One of the biggest challenges that Jobs faced was to revamp the company’s image, starting from its logo. Changed the previous rainbow logo into translucent sky blue to fit the first iMac.
In 2000, when Steve Jobs returned to Apple, the company underwent a rebranding, and the rainbow logo was replaced with a monochromatic version
Apple released Cheetah, a MacOS 10.1, in 2001 with the aqua Apple logo, along with popular products such as the iPod, iTunes, and more. It was a revolutionary year for the brand as many of its products were popular and helped Apple to earn record profits.
Apple veered away from its glass-themed logo and went with a simple and flat design, keeping the design straightforward while complementing its products.
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